Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep

I think it makes sense.

Polyphasic Sleep..

By blackgin

No updates or new apps in this post.. Only a report of my life..
I’m trying a new way of sleeping, or maybe it is better to say “a new way of living”..
I’m trying, with two my friends, the polyphasic sleep, that is a different method of sleeping..
Normally people stay awake for about 16 hours and sleep 8 hours per day. This method is called monophasic sleep.
We are instead trying stay awake 22 hours and sleep only two. But theese two hours are divided into parts of 20 mins. So we are awake 4 hours and we sleep 20 mins, then we are awake 4 hours and sleep 20 mins… and so on..
We’re trying this new method to make a new experience, infact it is substantially an experiment.
If you search on the net, you’ll find that important men have used this way of sleeping in the past, like Leonardo da Vinci or Napoleon..
Now it’s our turn (XD).. We’re at the end of the first long day. We’re about to collapse but we’ll resist! We will manage to convert us to polyphasic sleep Lol..
Adios (still searching for the well hidden problem in backup for root users)..

Be happy,

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