Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Bigger Mixer

The more you listen, the more you like the song
Pay attention 2'45"-3'00" part in the clip. They are recording their music and I found out the bigger mixer that we learned in the class.

In the Movie....

The Faster Version

This is the faster version. I found out the same song but different version posted by making mistake. But when I watch this first time, someone deliberately made it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


What is about me? It was difficult to decide the main concept about me. It took a longer than making video clip. Eventually, I put my routine for the day to portray me in my movie.

Here is what I did.

1. To select some pictures that I need. (Using google image and NYU homepage)
2. To open iMove and put the picture into iMove
3. To link transitions between the pictures.(with choosing design for transition)
4. To add base musics and the effect sounds.( music and sounds that I use in the video are all from iMove)
5. To make zoom in and out in each pictures.
6. To make sure everything all right.
7. To post Youtube in my account.
8. To link to my blogger

My most favorite part is shining stats on the night sky. I use 'Glow' in the video effect menu.
It is so vivid.
I put the horse picture in the middle of video because I think running horse is like me to run around the school. It indicates me to strive to do something my best. If you want to watch better quality this video, you can find out it in my youtube account.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep

I think it makes sense.

Polyphasic Sleep..

By blackgin

No updates or new apps in this post.. Only a report of my life..
I’m trying a new way of sleeping, or maybe it is better to say “a new way of living”..
I’m trying, with two my friends, the polyphasic sleep, that is a different method of sleeping..
Normally people stay awake for about 16 hours and sleep 8 hours per day. This method is called monophasic sleep.
We are instead trying stay awake 22 hours and sleep only two. But theese two hours are divided into parts of 20 mins. So we are awake 4 hours and we sleep 20 mins, then we are awake 4 hours and sleep 20 mins… and so on..
We’re trying this new method to make a new experience, infact it is substantially an experiment.
If you search on the net, you’ll find that important men have used this way of sleeping in the past, like Leonardo da Vinci or Napoleon..
Now it’s our turn (XD).. We’re at the end of the first long day. We’re about to collapse but we’ll resist! We will manage to convert us to polyphasic sleep Lol..
Adios (still searching for the well hidden problem in backup for root users)..

Be happy,

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I am stolen my time by terrific technology.

Using the technology makes me panic for the different world.

Friday, September 18, 2009


I am posting some videos that I want to share with my people. Following movies are exactly what I am doing.


interaction experience

EON TouchLight is interaction experience and a new revolutionary bare-hand 3D interaction virtual reality display system

We all think of product that could lead to find the way people work and live such as cellphone or Internet. EON TouchLight is one of them. It is between digital world and reality....

The vision

I was looking for the incredible video clip to make a movie for the class assignment and I found out some movies that I want to share with my class mates. It is so great!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Just Another Day on the MTA by Chris Gall

I want to ask what kind transportation do you usually use these days? Taxes, Buses or subways? I usually take a subway to go from home to school. I think the subway is one of the most significant transportation in NY City. Do you often take a subway? You may answer either "Yes" or "No". If you say " Yes", you have probably seen some interesting art in the trains in addition to the advertising. The most interesting picture for me is the picture above. This picture is so inspiring to me and it makes me to write about this.

I have gotten interested in this picture in the end of July this year. It was when I helped IMPACT(Interactive Multimedia Performing Arts Collaborative Technology) workshop as a counselor. I helped mostly korean students for not only translating, but also thinking style, such as more surreal, abstractive and creative ways. One day, I took E train to go home with after working IMPACT. During the day, I gave some advice for students to be able to think the more creative way. Most of Korean student have limited thought as I just arrived in USA. Maybe, this is because of the korean culture that people shouldn't express their emotion what they think. So, they are awkward to represent their expression. For example, a great musician is just the well trained musician to perform pieces or a musical technician. Like a musician, a train is just the train that they have believed. It can't be changed in their mind. They can't think other creative trains like above picture. REALISM,,,, NATURALISM,,,,NOMINALISM... Isn't it so creative train in this picture? Moreover, look at the details. There is nothing common face, so I can't ignore any detain things in this picture. There is only thing common that a man wears a business suite, but he is falling down from the transportation. I think it indicates the difficult economic situation. I know it doesn't relate with music concept. It is more closer to business subject. However, one of doctoral students at NYU announced that creative thought is needed to not only music, but also to all the subject as we have just seen that picture on the subway. It has to interact with all the subjects.

It is time to break your limited thought and then open your eyes and mind

Thursday, September 10, 2009


We just began the fall semester. Unlike summer, the campus became more crowded by students. They are mingling together by 2,3 or more. They look busy. Some of them are still getting ready to begin for this semester. I just hope when they are ready, the classes are not over.
I recall when I took the summer course as my first class in the U.S.A.... I want to say a lot of thing about the class. Especially, I would like talk about my aquarium. I bred five red fiches in my aquarium during that course. It was just fun to breed fishes for me at that time. Fishes didn't mean any thingings for me.

Now, I breed seven fishes in my aquarium. At this time, they represent a mascot of my interactive world. I have three yellow fishes, three blues and one green. It doesn't mean that one green is dominant nor special. When yellows and blues are mixed or interacted, it brings green. I know it is really simple. I might be in kindergarden when I got that information.

The world consists of interaction. When two or more then two things interact with each other, they lead to another thing. It could be the worst, the best or just the meaningless thing. The interaction is the foundation of the world.